12Th St + Clay Ave2Nd St + Main St (Bus Shelter)3Rd St + Oak St9Th St + Clay AveAllegheny Health Network HempfieldAltman Rd + Harrison AveArdmore Blvd + BerkleyArdmore Blvd + Brinton RdArdmore Blvd + Kenmore AveArdmore Blvd + Marion AveArdmore Blvd + Marlboro AveArdmore Blvd + SumnerArona Rd + Wendel RdAtwood St.Atwood StationBarnes Lake Rd + Hahntown-Wendel RdBarnes Lake Rd + Lakeview DrBarnes Lake Rd + Peregrine DrBellefield Ave + Fifth Ave.Blvd Of Allies + Cherry Way FsBlvd Of Allies + Stanwix St (Diocese)Blvd Of Allies + Wood StBrinker St + Race StBroadway St + 3Rd AveBroadway St + 3Rd Ave (Bus Shelter)Broadway St + 6Th StBroadway St + Bridge StBroadway St + Brush Hill RdCarpenter Lane Park & RideCenter Hwy + Brownstown RdCenter Hwy + Buttermilk Hollow RdCenter Hwy + Old Trail RdClay Ave + 7Th StClay Ave + 7Th St (Bus Shelter)(Fs)Clay Ave + 9Th StClay Ave + S. 5Th StClay Pike + Barnes Lake RdClay Pike Rd + Belaire DrClay Pike Rd + Mars Hill RdCoal St + Harrison StCoal St + Youghioghney StCollege Ave + Clopper StCollege Ave + Hawksworth RdCollege Ave + Liberty StCollege Ave + Mt. Thor RdCollege Ave. + N. Greengate RdCollege Ave + Pleasant Valley RdCollege Ave + Seaton Hill Dr (Fs)College Ave + Seton Hill DrDivision St + Pine AveEast Busway + Hay St Ramp Outbound SheltEast Busway (Stop D)East Busway TeardropE. Pittsburgh St + Highland Ave (Five StE. Pittsburgh St + Morrison AveE. Pittsburgh St + Shop N Save (Bus ShelE. Pittsburgh St + Talbot Ave
Fifth Ave + Chesterfield RdFifth Ave + Craig StFifth Ave + GrantFifth Ave + Hastings St Fs (Penn)Fifth Ave + Moorewood AveFifth Ave + Negley AveFifth Ave + Penn Ave FsFifth Ave + Pride StFifth Ave + Ross StFifth Ave + Shady AveFifth Ave + Tennyson AveFifth Ave + Thackery StFifth Ave + Washington PlaceFifth Ave + Wyandotte StForbes Ave + Boyd St (Duquesne Univ)Forbes Ave + Halket St (Magee Hospital)Forbes Ave + Hillman LibaryForbes Ave + Jumonville StForbes Ave + Mckee Pl.Forbes Ave + Meyran AveForbes Ave + Pride St (Mercy Hospital)Giant Eagle Norwin SquareGrant St + 7Th Ave FsGrant St + Liberty Ave Fs (Fed Bldg)Grant St + Oliver AveGrant St + Strawberry WayGrant St + Us Steel Stop BGreengate Centre CirGreengate Centre Dr + Chick-Fil-AGreengate Centre Drive + Schumacher HomeHarrison Ave + Altman RdHarrison Ave + N. 1St StHarrison Ave. + N. 1St St.Harrison Ave + N. 2Nd StHarrison Ave. + N. 2Nd St.Harrison Ave + Oakford Park RdHarrison Ave. + Oakford Park RdHarrison Ave + Welker StHay St Ramp + Inbound ShelterHempfield Blvd + Allison AveHempfield Blvd + Greengate NorthHempfield Blvd + Sams ClubHempfield Point PlazaHempfield Square + Giant EagleIrwin Hermine Rd + Orchard DrKohlsLiberty Ave + 9Th StLiberty Ave + Sixth AveLincoln Highway + Old Jacks Run RdLincoln Hwy + 5ThLincoln Hwy + 5Th Ave Ext NsLincoln Hwy + Agnew RdLincoln Hwy + Arona RdLincoln Hwy + Beaver RdLincoln Hwy + CenterLincoln Hwy + Cherry LnLincoln Hwy + Colonial Manor Rd
Lincoln Hwy + Great Valley Shopping CentLincoln Hwy + Hamilton Auto ServicesLincoln Hwy + Hempfield Blvd.Lincoln Hwy + Hempfield Sq (Fs)Lincoln Hwy + IsaacLincoln Hwy + Isaac FsLincoln Hwy + Jacks Run RdLincoln Hwy + Jacks Run Rd FsLincoln Hwy + LeuhmLincoln Hwy + Lewis AveLincoln Hwy + Malts LaneLincoln Hwy + Malts LnLincoln Hwy + Pennsylvania BlvdLincoln Hwy + Possum Hollow Rd (Zone ChaLincoln Hwy + W. Hills DrLincoln Hwy + W. Penn Ln (Zone Change)Lowry Ave + Division StLowry Ave + Dollar TreeLowry Ave + E. Broad StLowry Ave + Park StMagill Rd + StarbucksMain St + 4Th St (Bus Shelter)Main St + 5Th StMain St. + Edna Rd.Main St + Manor Harrison City RdMain St. + Pennsylvania Ave.Main St + S. Maple AveMills Dr + Ronda CtMt. Odin ViewN. 4Th + Gaskill Ave.N. 4Th St + Frothingham AveN. 4Th St. + Frothingham Ave.N. 4Th St + Harrison AveN. 4Th St + Mellon AveN. 4Th St. + Mellon Ave.Norwin HillsOak St + 3Rd StOak St + 4Th StOak St + 5Th StPalace TheaterPenn Ave + 13Th StPenn Ave + 17Th StPenn Ave + Braddock Ave (Ib)Penn Ave + Braddock Ave (Ob)Penn Ave + Dallas Ave (Ob)Penn Ave + West St (Ib)Penn Ave + West St (Ob)Penn Manor Rd + Hamilton StPenn Manor Rd + Walnut StPenn Manor Rd + Wegley Ave (Zone Change)Pennsylvania Ave. + 1St St.Pennsylvania Ave + Bridge StPennsylvania Ave. + Brush Creek Rd.Pennsylvania Ave + Cedar StPennsylvania Ave + Chestnut StPennsylvania Ave + Greene StPennsylvania Ave + Iroquois St
Pennsylvania Ave + Living Waters ChurchPennsylvania Ave + Main St (Bus Selter)Pennsylvania Ave + Main St (Bus Shelter)Pennsylvania Ave. + N. Thompson Ln.Pennsylvania Ave + Oak StPennsylvania Ave + Rocky RdPennsylvania Ave. + Walker Ln.Pike St + Elk StPittsburgh St + Hutchinson WayRace St + Brinker StRoss Ave + CoalRoss St + WoodS. 4Th St + Bullitt AveS. 4Th St + Jeannette ManorS. 5Th + Clay Ave.S. 5Th St + Bullitt AveS. 5Th St + Chambers AveS. 5Th St + Division StSeventh Ave + William Penn PlaceSewickley Ave + 4Th StSewickley Ave + 6Th StS. Greengate Rd + La FitnessS. Main St + Euclid AveS. Main St + W. 2Nd StS. Main St + Westmoreland Crossroads ParS. Maple AveSouth Ave + Swissvale AveSouth Ave + Wood StSouth Greengate CommonsStanwix St + Fourth Ave (Ppg Place)Tollgate Hill Rd + Chamber Of CommerceTollgate Hill Rd + Claremont DrTollgate Hill Rd + Lincoln HwyTollgate Hill Rd + Mt. Odin ParkTollgate Hill Rd + Op Claremont DrWalmart Greengate Centre (Food Doors)Walmart Super CenterWcta Transit CenterWendell Rd + Bristol LnWendel Rd + Burbank DrWendel Rd + Lenhart AveWendel Rd + Pine StWendel Rd + Roundtop Rd (Hermine#2)Wendel Rd + W. Hempfield AveWestmoreland Blind Assn.W. Otterman + N. Lincoln AveW. Otterman St + Depot StW. Otterman St + N. Hamilton AveW. Otterman St + N. Washington AveW. Pittsburgh St + Garfield StW. Pittsburgh St + Hamilton AveW. Pittsburgh St + Spring StW. Pittsburgh St + Washington AveW. Pittsburgh St + Westminster Ave
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